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In the first course – as in the first class

Today is a holiday, the beginning of a new school year, especially for students, teachers and teachers. Traditionally, a solemn line devoted to the beginning of the school year was held on this day at AL International House Tashkent. With special solemnity, the administration of the lyceum and teachers met freshmen and, of course, the second course, which is graduated this year.

The line was delivered with a traditional speech and with her parting words the deputy director N.N. Rustamova.

There were also congratulatory speeches of the students of the lyceum to their peers.

After the solemn line in each classroom, the lessons of “Independence” and “Memory” were held, dedicated to the first president of Uzbekistan.

This holiday is for all teachers, students and their parents. We congratulate you on this wonderful day and wish you to remember the most important: wisdom in life. May there always be a place in your life for knowledge, wisdom, which helps to cope with everyday troubles.