In 2022, on November 27, the Higher School of Economics turned 30 years old. In this regard, the authority of the strategic partner of the HSE Academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent” and the “TIIAME” NRU were invited to a number of events organized by the Higher School of Economics. Vice-rector for International Cooperation Salokhiddinov Abdulhakim TemirkhodJayevich was invited on behalf of the “TIIAME” NRU, Principal of the lyceum Tillaev Alisher Khasanovich was invited on behalf of AL “International House Tashkent”.
During the meeting the following events were held: the festival “The whole world in one Tower”, a plenary session dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the HSE with the participation of the founders and management of the university, the premiere screening of the documentary “The World 2052. See the Future”, created by the HSE in partnership with Russia Today. The Rector and Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics also made a congratulatory speech.
We thank for the invitation on such a significant day for the Higher School of Economics! And we are proud that the academic lyceum “International House Tashkent” of “TIIAME” NRU and the Higher School of Economics successfully cooperate and implement educational projects for the benefit of young talents!