Everyone chooses a different way to prepare for admission. Someone goes to training centers, but there are people who purposefully enter our lyceum and go to our sub-courses. And right now we will talk about them, or rather, they themselves will tell us why they chose our sub-courses and whether they like learning.

Rano: Good afternoon, please introduce yourself and tell us what exams you have to take.
Bekhrona: My name is Abdurakhmanova Bekhrona, I am 15 years old and I am entering the direction of economics. I do mathematics, English and IQ.
Gemma: I’m Gemma. I enter the social and humanitarian direction, I study history, English and IQ.
Sarvar: My name is Sagdiev Sarvar. I am applying to the MGIMO classes. I go here for mathematics, Russian and English.
Elyor: I’m Elyor and I’m preparing for subjects like math, IQ (logic) and English. In order to enroll in the direction of Exact Sciences-Economics.
Ekaterina: My name is Ekaterina. I take sub-courses in subjects such as history, English and IQ. My direction is Social-Humanitarian.
Lola: I’m Lola and I’m preparing for subjects such as mathematics, English, Russian and literature. I enter the classes of MGIMO.
Rano: Why did you decide to choose the direction for which you are preparing now?

Behrona: The economy is now developed all over the world and in the future it will not be difficult for me to find a job.
Gemma: I have a very good memory, I am fond of foreign languages, and this is closer to my direction. In addition to learning English, the plans also include learning French.
Sarvar: My dad advised me the direction. When I when i found out about it, I liked it and I thought why not.
Elyor: I don’t know why, but mathematics attracts me. I think that after this direction you can easily go abroad.
Ekaterina: Since childhood, I was fond of the humanities. I loved literature and foreign languages.
Lola: Because of the double degree program, I think it will be good for my future.
Rano: Why did you choose IHT?

Bekhrona: IHT is the best lyceum in Uzbekistan, I heard a lot of reviews about it, which contributed to my decision.
Gemma: I have a lot of friends who studied here and who spoke well. I also study at a school nearby and every time I pass by, I thought that I would like to study here.
Sarwar: I had a choice between Westminster and IHT and I chose the latter. It’s a different atmosphere here.
Elyor: Quality education and an interesting social life. As far as I know, every student has the opportunity to do something for the Lyceum.
Ekaterina: I thought about choosing a lyceum a year before entering. Somewhere in October, I ended up here at one of the open days. Feeling the whole atmosphere of educational and social life, I realized that I want to study here.
Lola: My sister studied here, and always told me and spoke positively about her studies and social life.
Rano: What attracted you to the sub-courses?

Behrona: I decided to start preparing hard and sub-courses were the best option for me.
Gemma: Qualified teachers. Getting knowledge from them is a pleasure.
Sarvar: Good teachers.
Elyor: The teachers here give us the material we need and prepare us for the exams.
Ekaterina: Here they give exactly the knowledge that I will need upon admission, and of course, excellent teachers.
Lola: Sub-courses give you the opportunity to feel more confident about what you will enroll in.
Rano: What is your impression of our teachers?

Bekhrona: They are responsive and always ready to help us.
Gemma: Great. The teachers are good both as people and as teachers. They convey to us all the information in an easy way.
Sarvar: Positive. I hope that they will continue to teach us when we become IHT students.
Elyor: In the beginning it was difficult, but it turned out that the teachers are cheerful and kind. They always help us.
Ekaterina: Each lesson was interesting.
The teacher really took time for each student so that everyone could understand everything.
Lola: They can easily find a common language with children, they always help and give advice about exams.
Rano: What do you think should be paid more attention to apply our lyceum?

Gemma: In history, I think we need to focus on memorizing dates, but in mathematics, probably on formulas.
Sarvar: You just need to work hard and I think the emphasis should be on English.
Elyor: I think that for specialized subjects.
Ekaterina: More attention should be paid to the core subject, in my case it is history.
Lola: Take more time to prepare.
Rano: Is it difficult for you to study with us?

Bekhrona: If you do everything that the teachers say, learn the materials and approach your studies responsibly, then no, it’s not difficult.
Gemma: No, I understand everything very well.
Sarvar: I have been studying here since October and it is not difficult for me.
Elyor: Learning is not difficult if you want to. If a person really wants to do it and is not forced, for example, by his parents, then he will do it.
Ekaterina: At first it was difficult, because the sub-courses are held daily, but I quickly got used to it.
Lola: No, it’s not difficult to learn.
We wish good luck to all applicants and hope to see you as students of the Lyceum “INTERNATIONAL HOUSE TASHKENT”.