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An extraordinary and bright event called “International Day” took place at IHT lyceum

On October 14, an extraordinary and bright event called “International Day” took place at our lyceum. Throughout the day, students represented many countries throughout the world, immersing themselves in their culture, traditions, and cuisine.

It all started with a charity fair, where each lyceum group organized their own tiny exhibition depicting the country they were studying. Each stand was attractively decorated with flags, photos, and national emblems from the individual country. Students enthusiastically exhibited their creations and spoke about their geographical location, historical sites, traditions, and national food.

At this fair, cuisine was given significant attention. Each student group created national delicacies from their own countries. Spice fragrances and a range of meals produced a distinct ambience that filled the space with warmth and comfort. We enjoyed French pancakes, excellent Chinese noodles, traditional Russian pies, and many other culinary pleasures.

Various concerts and games were also held throughout the International Day. We appreciated watching the students act as cultural ambassadors for their nations by performing dances and folk melodies. It was fascinating to read about different peoples’ traditions, characteristics, and customs around the world. We also had fun at the national games, which were held in a separate play area.

Overall, “International Day” provided a fantastic opportunity for all lyceum students and teachers to broaden their minds and learn about different countries and cultures. The gathering emphasized intercultural understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity. We proudly represented our country and had a great time immersing ourselves in an atmosphere of global unity and harmony.