On December 2, the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers held a meeting with the director and students of the academic lyceum “International House Tashkent”, as well as with a special speaker. At the beginning of the event, the students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the university itself. A video was shown...Read More
In 2022, on November 27, the Higher School of Economics turned 30 years old. In this regard, the authority of the strategic partner of the HSE Academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent” and the “TIIAME” NRU were invited to a number of events organized by the Higher School of Economics. Vice-rector for International Cooperation Salokhiddinov Abdulhakim TemirkhodJayevich...Read More
From November 22 to November 25, 2022, Podaev Mikhail Valerievich visited the academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent”. Podaev Mikhail Valerievich-candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, member of the commission for the examination of the regional stage of the All-Russian Mathematics Olympiad, developer of the school stage Olympiad in mathematics. He is a teacher at Sirius Educational Center, School...Read More
On November 26, the academic lyceum “INTERNATIONAL HOUSE TASHKENT” of NRU TIIAME hosted the “Autumn Ball”, which is a significant event in the social life of our students. At the beginning of the event, the president of the Students Union, made a welcoming speech to the children. And also throughout the evening we were accompanied by...Read More
The intellectual capacity of today’s youth is growing immensely, surprisingly erudite, resourceful and out-of-the-box thinking.The students of “International House Tashkent” Lyceum are no exception and also abound with suggestive intellectual abilities and education in a variety of fields. November 24, an intellectual game “Zakovat” was held at the lyceum for such enthusiasts. The purpose of such...Read More