Everyone chooses a different way to prepare for admission. Someone goes to training centers, but there are people who purposefully enter our lyceum and go to our sub-courses. And right now we will talk about them, or rather, they themselves will tell us why they chose our sub-courses and whether they like learning. Rano: Good afternoon,...Read More
According to the results of the 2021-2022 academic year, students of the Academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent” of the NRU “TIIAME” have incredible academic success. Представляем вашему вниманию обладателей стипендии фонда «El-yurt umidi». Нижеперечисленные учащиеся 2 курса удостоились звания студентов Топовых в своих отраслях университетов мира, таких как Queen Mary University of London, University od Arizona,...Read More
Youth is a time when you want all problems to be solved quickly, obstacles to be overcome easily, and dreams to come true. This period should be used in full force. Young people should understand that their ideas, perhaps risky somewhere, fantastic somewhere, but definitely advanced, will help adult colleagues to achieve improvements in the country....Read More
Greetings to you, dear reader.Today, Sardor will tell us about himself. Sardor is a second-year student of MGIMO, who got a 100% scholarship to the Higher School of Economics and also to the capital of Great Britain – London, to be more exact London School of Economics. Let’s talk about Russia first. Where did you apply,...Read More
It should be said that an important social problem that requires constant monitoring is the support of low-income families. In this regard, on May 5, 2022, activists of the Volunteer Department of the Lyceum “International House Tashkent” together with the psychologist Gulnoza Bakhodyrovna visited needy families of Mirzo-Ulugbek district.Such trips have already become a tradition for...Read More