Today, on October 21, in connection with the assignment of the “Uzbek language – the status of the state language” in the Academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent” of the National Research University “TIIAME”, an event was held on the theme “Great people who glorified our Uzbek language”.

The event, organized by the teacher of the native language and literature Mukaddam Abdukadyrova, was actively attended by students of groups 2af-2 and 2af-3. M.M.Abdulkadyrova congratulated teachers and students on the language holiday and declared the event open.

During the event, students of the 2af-2 group made a presentation about the life and work of Alisher Navoi, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur and Agakhi. During the event, students of the 2af-3 group told about the life and work of such figures of Jadid literature as Behbudi, Fitrat and Chulpan, and also presented Behbudi’s drama “Padarkush”.
At the end of the event, the head of the Department of Uzbek-Russian Philology, Kurban R., congratulated the participants of the event on the holiday and spoke positively about the event.

We express our gratitude for the organization of the event to the following students: Kasimkhanova Leila, Dorobova Robiyabon, Mahmudova Komila, Rashidov Azizbek, Azamzhonov Ozodjon, Malikov Buned, Abdurakhimova Sevinch, Shavkiev Shahrukh, Rakhmatzhonov Mahmudjon, Abdinazarov Islam, Rakhimov Zhonibek, Mamatraimov Komron, Yorboboev Behruz, Ismailov Ulugbek, Kasimzhonov Zohid
The article was prepared by students of group 2AF-2 Abdurakhimova Sevinch.