So our trip has come to an end. It’s time to take stock.
It was the most unforgettable week for our students!
In one week, they were able to visit many parts of Moscow and the Moscow region. We visited many different exhibitions, events, museums and attractions. Every day was very busy.

Every day, in addition to the fact that the children attended entertainment events, they studied at the Odintsovo branch of MGIMO, and also passed the test exams of the Unified State Exam.
On the first day, the children went to the heart of Moscow, or rather to Red Square. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, the Bolshoi Theater, GUM, Arbat, Kitay-Gorod and just a huge list of places that students managed to visit in just a day.

The next day, students of IHT-MGIMO groups went to the central MGIMO, where they were given a tour of the university and a consultation on admission to this university. They also visited the MGIMO History Museum, the library of rare books, the Dobro volunteer club and got acquainted with the students of the university itself, who gave their recommendations for studying.

The third day of the week fell on a holiday. On this day, all the children went to the VDNH Park, where they had a great time. There were many different museums in this park, but we managed to visit only two of them, to be more precise: Russia-my History and the Cosmonautics Museum. The students had a lot of free time that day. In addition, our students met with graduates of our lyceum, Saydaminova Amina, Abidova Shakhlo, Nigmanov Saidalo and others who are currently studying at various universities of the Russian Federation.
Thursday was a more academic day. Before lunch, the children attended couples.
In the afternoon, they participated in the game What? Where? When? In this game, our students have won! We won the first place! After the game, we went to the shopping and entertainment center.
And Friday was a shopping day for students in addition to studying, because they went to one of the largest shopping centers in Moscow.

On Saturday, the students got acquainted with the MGIMO admissions committee, which gave detailed information about admission to the university and answered all their questions. And then we went to pack our bags, because it was the last day of the trip.

Prepared the article: 2mtn2 Group student Khaldarova Takhmina
Translator: Karimjonov Murod