Krasilnikova Anastasia, a student of the group 2MTN1 AL “International House Tashkent” TIIAME , passed the Unified State Exam (ЕГЭ) in the subject “Russian language” for 100 points out of 100! It is worth noting that in the New Uzbekistan, being a citizen of this country, no one has achieved such high results.

Anastasia is a graduate of the 2020-2021 academic year of our lyceum. She studied under the double diploma program with the Gorchakov Lyceum of MGIMO, created with the assistance of two heads of lyceums R. I. Kotov and A. Kh. Tillaev.
For your information, the first classes of MGIMO opened in the Academic Lyceum International House Tashkent TIIAME in 2019 and have already established themselves as an excellent place of study, a springboard for admission to top universities in the Russian Federation and the world.
The opening of MGIMO classes is already 3 years old, but this does not prevent students from proving the superiority of their knowledge, because a new teaching method is responsible for knowledge here, which is applied to students of all directions in the lyceum, excellent teaching staff and conditions created in the AL “International House Tashkent” TIIAME
We wish Anastasia Krasilnikova success in her further studies and we are proud that such students enter and study within the walls of our lyceum!