In order to create the necessary conditions for the development of the system of selection of young people, their support, stimulation of the aspirations of the younger generation to science, systematic implementation of reforms aimed at realizing social and creative potential, as well as improving the activities of academic lyceums, pursuant to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 4910 – December 23 academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent” For the second year, he has been organizing a scholarship award ceremony “Pride of the Lyceum” of the National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” in accordance with the decision of the Pedagogical Council of the Academic Lyceum to students with the highest achievement indicators in all disciplines.

The event was organized by the rector of the National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” Professor Bahadir Suyunovich Mirzaev, as well as the principal of the lyceum “International House Tashkent” Tillyaev Alisher Khasanovich.

The ceremony was opened with a congratulatory speech, as well as a report on the prospects for the development of the university, joint projects with the lyceum. 67 outstanding students were awarded with memorable gifts, scholarships and diplomas.

The students awarded the scholarship are active participants in the social life of the lyceum, distinguished by academic performance, as well as winners of city and republican Olympiads.

Such events actively affect the motivation of students to obtain more high-quality knowledge, display their creative abilities and all-round development of students.