Since 2020, the Academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent “TIIAME” NRU, has held an annual TED conference at which outstanding lyceum students speak.
Every year the conference of the TED Club of the lyceum “Interhouse” takes place in prestigious presentation halls and institutions of our country and this year the event was held in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The management of the “TIIAME” NRU and the academic lyceum “International House Tashkent” expresses great gratitude for the opportunity to organize a conference in the great hall of the Ministry!

The conference was held with the participation of the media, a number of news TV channels, representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and, of course, the leadership of the “TIIAME” NRU and the academic lyceum “International House Tashkent”.
Each speaker was able to come up with his own unique idea and did not leave the audience indifferent. More than 100 students from different academic institutions were involved in the event. Special buses were organized for their transfer to the venue of the event.

A TED conference is an event where speakers share unique ideas with the audience and is held exclusively in English. You can speak on any topic: science, politics, art, self-development, design, and others. TED style is an informal monologue on serious topics. Thanks to humor, simplicity of presentation, and emotionality, complex ideas become accessible to any audience.
The main purpose of this conference among young students of the academic lyceum “International House Tashkent” is to attract the younger generation to the study of science, the expression of their ideas, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.
The ceremony honoring the speakers and their mentors was particularly memorable for the conference’s audience and participants.
1. Abdujabbarova Shakhrizoda (mentor)
2. Bakhtiyarov Shakhriyor (mentor)
3. Rustamova Feruza (mentor)
4. Ten Sergey (mentor)
5. Diana Sagirova
6. Alikulov Bahodir
7. Atajanov Shokhrukh
8. Alina Khametova
9. Gulomova Rumayso
10. Mamadiyev Doniyor
11. Rakhmatullayeva Fazilat
12. Kim Andrey
13. Yunusov Muhammadali
In addition to awarding certificates, these conference participants were also presented with a coupon for a trip to the Amirsoy Mountains in the near future.

Thank you all for your attention!
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The article has been prepared for you by:
1. Karimjonov Murod (text)
2. Abdurakhmanova Rano, 2SG1 (photo)