After the conclusion of the HSE agreement on cooperation with its strategic partner – the Academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent” for the implementation of the project on the opening of lyceum classes on the basis of the Lyceum, on October 13, 2022, the Opening Ceremony of the HSE classes was held at the “International House Tashkent” TIIAME NRU. The ceremony was attended by both heads of educational institutions and students of the classes themselves.

Tillaev Alisher Khasanovich, Director of the Academic Lyceum “International House Tashkent” addressing the guests and students noted the following: “Our main task is to create all conditions for Uzbek schoolchildren to be absolutely competitive in leading foreign universities. The joint educational program with the Higher School of Economics is primarily aimed at increasing the level of preparedness of applicants from Uzbekistan for admission to one of the best universities in Russia. HSE is a long–standing partner of our lyceum, and together we have already implemented more than one project, thanks to which our graduates did not experience difficulties in enrolling and starting their studies. Thanks to the new educational program, we will be able to give our students deeper and more unique knowledge that will allow them to successfully enroll in HSE profile programs.”

At the moment, at the lyceum “International House Tashkent”, students of the HSE classes are studying in such areas as:
— Information technology
— International economic relations

The activity of the HSE classes is the implementation of the educational program of secondary general education, which provides:
— in-depth mastering of the content of specialized academic subjects and the development of self-education competence;
— development of students’ project and research competencies, expansion of students’ socialization opportunities;
— satisfaction of students’ needs for professional self-determination, continuity between general and vocational education, effective preparation of graduates for the development of educational programs of higher education.
The main purpose of the HSE classes is to prepare competent applicants who are able to enroll and study in leading educational institutions, including the HSE.
Features of the organization of the educational process in HSE classrooms
— HSE classes are taught according to individual curricula based on the federal State educational standard of secondary general education according to curricula and programs of in-depth study of specialized subjects agreed with the HSE.
— The teaching of elective courses in HSE classes is carried out by teachers of an educational organization or HSE teachers, including on the basis of technology of concentrated learning (immersion), distance learning and other forms of learning.
— Students of HSE classes, teachers who teach subjects at an advanced level in these classes, take part in educational and competitive events, projects and events organized by the HSE.

Alexander V. Deev, Director of Work with Talents Abroad at the HSE at the opening ceremony of classes: “This project is part of the whole direction “HSE Talent Identification Centers”. It is aimed at improving the knowledge of schoolchildren, which are so necessary for admission to the best universities in the world. By the time of admission to the specialty, the applicant must already have basic knowledge. The opening of special classes together with our partner will help to promote the development of this direction in schools in Uzbekistan.”
Below you can see the footage from the opening ceremony of the HSE classes: